Four pencil sketches of four different designs, sketched on tracing paper with quickly drawn details.
The “selected” sketch drawn with more detail on tracing paper.
The final sketch, labeled with “shape names” and where they are to be located on the design.
The pattern for the base of the design.
About 75 strips have been curled using an electric curling iron and hair spray. They are sewn on individually to create a “curly” repetitious nest at the top of “Confetti.”
Close up view of the “curls” and two-tone circular shapes.
Over 50 small pieces gathered & sewn individually into circular “rosette” shapes form a textured mass.
Two-tone elongated “u” shape pieces have been stuffed with fiberfill and handstitched into an oval shape.
Close up of two-tone “u” shape pieces.
Changing “planes” on “Confetti”
Close up of the elevated biomorphic form, surrounded by hand quilting.
Detail close up of the scallop rosette pattern below hand quilted area.
Several layers of rust ruffle shapes are below the two-tone rosettes.
Final biomorphic shape was created for bottom of “Confetti.”
Completion stage.
“Confetti Roulette” in all its splendor, hanging above the Baby Grand Piano.